Debra Bosacki is a teacher, author, intercessor, life coach, life coach trainer and an inspirational speaker.
Her contagious passion for God stirs hearts to seek Him like never before. Debra’s love of the scriptures is evident as she delivers power-packed teachings based on God’s Word, intermingled with her life experiences. Tragically losing her parents at an early age and then assaulted as a teenager, her story of healing inspires all. Many times God has moved prophetically through her prayers, warning her of upcoming danger. Her powerful testimonies of God’s saving power and deliverance will rekindle your passion for God and cause you to press into prayer. Debra has also taught Bible studies, Sunday school and is involved in prayer ministry at her church. In 1998 she co-founded Garden of the Heart Ministries. As an author, expert and mentor in journaling with over 36 years experience, Debra coaches classes on spiritual journaling. As an intercessor she will teach your group from her wealth of experience. She and her husband, Gene, have been married since 1973 and have raised five children together.
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Write Way To Knowing God & Mud On My Knees Workshop. You can also find Debra in the Christian Women Speakers Directory. Download Debra’s Speaker Sheet Garden of the Heart Workshops

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Write Way To Knowing God & Mud On My Knees Workshop. You can also find Debra in the Christian Women Speakers Directory. Download Debra’s Speaker Sheet Garden of the Heart Workshops
What Others Are Saying …
“It is 5 AM and I am reveling in the goodness of our Lord and starting to process all the information from yesterday. Thank you for coming, for your transparency, for your vulnerability, for allowing the Holy Sprit to flow and speak through you. You touched many, many hearts–in ways you will never know. Yours is a much-needed ministry for women of all faith walks, and I pray that doors will be opened to you in many places. Thank you again. We were blessed with a “day to remember.” –Jeannie K, Green Bay, WI“What a wonderful seminar! I look forward to future books and tapes to add to my library as reference. I want to read and hear the materials over and over again. It’s added a new depth and focus to my journaling and prayer life.” –Cindy B, Green Bay, WI
“What a special day! Thank you so much for coming and sharing your messages with us. I will pray for you and your ministry as you continue to bless those you minister to. I was especially blessed by the journaling portion and learned a lot.” –Lori H, Green Bay, WI
“Praise God for this ministry! God is using these women in a powerful way. I have been inspired to intensify my walk with the Lord. I vow to walk with Jesus and claim His promises that are already mine, through journaling, prayer and searching the scriptures continuously!” –Cindy T, Green Bay, WI
“This is by far the best seminar I have attended. All 3 of you ladies are so God centered and filled with the Sprit of truth and conviction. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” –Francine M, Green Bay, WI
“Thank you so much for the fabulous workshop-teaching session. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was so helped and ministered to with hands-on information and real life examples. May the Lord continue to use you both to encourage and build up the body of Christ.” –Melody, Gillett, WI
“Thank you so much for coming to our church and blessing our women with your teaching on prayer. Also, thank you for being sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit. His presence was so sweet and special. I know that He manifested Himself and ministered to each woman that attended. May the Lord richly bless your ministry.” –Marilyn, Lakewood, WI
“You have been an inspiration. I can’t wait to see you in Oconomowoc! Your resources in the folder are excellent and subtle reminders of our Master Gardener. The journaling exercises really made an impact. I am beginning to “hear”. Thank you for sharing.” –Lois, LaCrosse, WI
“I just want to thank you for being in Oconomowoc this past week-end. I was so blessed by your teachings. I would really like to hear more on journaling, and how to hear from God. Last year in Oshkosh, your teachings literally helped my daughter to be intimate with God and changed her life. Thank You.” –Linda W, Oconomowoc, WI
“Fabulous workshop/seminar! So much food for our soul – so challenging – I want to dig in more on my own. I am so challenged! Thank you for being obedient to the Lord. May God continue to bless you all.” –Melody, Pound, WI
“My heart and my mind are renewed. The reference to garden and our heart truly spoke to my heart and gave me a fresh perspective. The Word which was spoken today through the speakers increased my faith to use it. Victory is ahead!” –Marilyn, Plymouth, WI
“The Lord has opened my eyes and my heart through this ministry to get back into the Word of God and to never give up. Pray always and give God praise and glory. Thank you for doing what the Lord’s will is. It sure helped me to keep on fighting the good fight. Amen” –Tracy, Sheboygan, WI
“Thank you for your ministry. I needed your workshop for my life. I needed to take my eyes off my problems and draw closer to God, pray down strongholds, cultivate the heart and sprinkle seed of God’s Word. I need to study God’s Word, hide them in my heart, prayer and keep a journal.” –Jane, Sheboygan
“Enjoyed all of the speakers. Very good information for day to day living. Thanks!” –Debbie, Suring, WI
“Thank you so much for the fabulous workshop/teaching sessions. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was so helped and ministered to with hands – on information and real life examples. May the Lord continue to use you both and encourage and build up the body of Christ! I hope you both come again to speak at our Church!” –Melody, Pound, WI
We recently had Debra speak at our retreat for our ordained women in ministry. It was obvious from the start of our time together that she’d sought the Lord and received wisdom from Him. Debra seemed to “know” what we needed and her teaching was not only challenging, but beautifully enriching and encouraging. Her prayer ministry was powerful and healing for us. She engaged with our women on a personal level with conversation and fellowship. As she shared the events of her life and how the Lord used those times to cause incredible growth and insight, we could all relate to the struggle we have as women striving to live lives of service and ministry. We look forward to having Debra back! –Susan Bukiewicz, Lt. Colonel, The Salvation Army Metropolitan Division, Chicago, Illinois
Contact Debra for more information or to book Debra for your event.
We were delighted to have Debra as our guest speaker for the 2014 Women Rejoice! Retreat. Debra’s passion for God’s word and her encouragement to walk closer with God resonated with our group. Her message combined real-life experiences with humorous stories, and her interaction with the group kept everyone engaged. Debra’s presence at our retreat, along with her insight on learning to recognize God’s fingerprints in our lives, was truly a blessing! –The Women Rejoice! Retreat Committee